Two fearless cats

First, a cat I met during Lockdown in June, enjoying the almost empty road, and strolling across it like he owned it: If Lockdown ever ends, the urban animal tendency is going to be mysteriously baffled as to why things became so mysteriously nice, before going back to being regular old nasty. And second, Oscar, … Continue reading Two fearless cats

Creature stuff

First up: Otters chasing a butterfly. Next, zebras: One of these photos. Jordan Peterson would surely like this photo. In case you didn’t realise, Cats bond with their people too. I’m already convinced. When GD2’s family’s cat Oscar got home after going awol, he slept for about a solid day. This says to me that … Continue reading Creature stuff

Please do not explain this T-shirt to me

Speaking of cats, as I just was – well, of one cat – here is another cat-related photo, of one of the many photoers I photoed ten years ago to-the-day yesterday: Photoed at the north end of Westminster Bridge, with the trees of Parliament Square in the background. I kept that one back for today. … Continue reading Please do not explain this T-shirt to me

Chat perdu :( (et retrouvé)

Those photos of Oscar would appear to have made quite a difference to Oscar’s life, because he went missing last Monday, and three of these photos helped to find him and get him home again: GodDaughter2 will be telling me more about all this soon. Like: Were there any other recent photos of Oscar that … Continue reading Chat perdu 🙁 (et retrouvé)