Heron out west

Yes, way out west. Barnes. I was there earlier in the week with GodDaughter 2. We dined here, right beside the river. Very nice. Very appetising.

It was a dull day just like today, but I had my camera with me anyway, and in among photoing the bridge upstream and the bridge downstream, I also photoed various birds. Including this one, which I suspected was a heron and which a little bit of image googling confirmed was a heron:

The first three came out quite well, but the final one, bottom right, is the heron disappearing across the river, in a bird blur, with an even blurrier bird reflection underneath it as it flew away. My camera moving excitedly didn’t help, but I still quite like it.

My favourite, however, is the first one, top left. In that one, I particularly like the goofy way that the heron seems to have its knees pointing inwards, like he has been caught breaking some rule, and is shuffling his feat. Or her feet.

Originally posted at Brian Micklethwait’s Old Blog

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