In other face recognition news, the Sydney Morning Herald reports that the Big Prawn is having its face blurred out of photos on Google Maps.
The problem Google faced was that recognisable people with recognisable faces were showing up on Google Maps, owing to the accident of where they happened to be when the Google Maps photos happened to be taken. So, they introduced a face recognition programme with a difference. Every time a face was recognised to be a face, that face was blurred into unrecognisability in the final Google Maps photos.
And this also got done to the Big Prawn.
The Big Prawn is a giant sculpture, presumably an advert for a place where you can eat regular sized prawns. No, not according to Wikipedia. It’s just a big prawn.
In Australia, it would seem that Big Thing means something different to what I mean by this phrase.
A cow also got its face blurred over.
Confining Cats and Other Creatures postings to Friday is becoming difficult. These days, as on this day, I often don’t bother.